The editor and publisher have been on hiatus for the last several weeks.
Let's see---what has been going on in the neighborhood.
Let's see---what has been going on in the neighborhood.
On June 18th we had spaghetti night at Cook's Corner. The special was Chicken Parmesan with a salad. Those in attendance were Debbie, Mason, Robin, Larry, Betty, Tony, Bernie and Becky. Everyone talked about the upcoming Luau Party but no other "hood" business was discussed.
On Saturday, June 20th, the annual weekend at Bernie's was held at Pam & Jim Flannagan's party barn. Pam passed out leis, grass skirts, coconut shells for our drinks along with little umbrellas. The entire Flannagan and Duncan group was dressed in Hawaiian wear. A great band played that night. A good time was had by all....though some had more fun than others! HA!
Thank you once again Bernie for hosting this great party...and many thanks to Jim and Pam for the themed activities and party favors.
June 25th we tried to have our last Spaghetti night with Debbie, Bryan and Mason but Cook's Corner had closed due to the extreme heat. We ended all getting split up. The Duncan/Flannagan clan went to Brazil. Tony, Becky, Betty, Larry and Miss Stella all went to Club 42, where we all had Hamburgers and French Fries. We laughed about all the activities and ciaos of the most recent party. After hearing all the fun everyone had at the party---Miss Stella said that she was glad that she missed it. HA!
Unfortunately, Becky had to work late on July 2nd so the Harris clan missed Spaghetti night. Betty and Larry tried out the new pizza place by Brian's business.
July 9th.... the Harris clan once again missed Spaghetti night...but we promise that we won't miss next week. Let's all meet at Cook's Corner.
Dan and Joel were down a couple of times in the last week. Dan (our cub reporter)---please update us on the activity down your way. Did you guys go fishing? Catch anything?
Signing off-
Becky Sinders Harris (Alias: Louise June Miller)