Saturday, January 31, 2009

Party at Bernie's Tonight

Picture of Jim Flannagan

Last night while hanging out at Jim's place. It was decided that we would have a party at Bernie's house tonight.

Special Meeting

A special meeting was held in between Mike and Bernie's house. Attendance was as follows:

Jackie, Dave, Jess, Maddie, Becky, Tony, Al, Tracy, Tray and the LP guy.

The LP guy said that if we could get six families to switch to his service that he would beat any and all competitors. This sounds like a great idea, but knowing our neighborhood---no one will follow through.

Mike was very concerned that he was going to run out of fuel. He spent the majority of the day calling all the neighbors to check the level of fuel in his tank. We all gave him different readings ranging from 0% to 20%, 50% and 75%. We like to keep him confused. He asked that Al shovel Bernie's driveway and sidewalk so that he could spend the night there. The LP guy finally arrived and confirmed that Mike still had a 100 gallons and that would last him a long time.

Everyone neglected to inform poor Al who was still busy shoveling snow at Bernie's house...that Mike would not be crossing the street to get to Bernie's house.

Billy Jack

As many of you already know, our beloved "Billy Jack" died this week. He was an important figure in the neighborhood and will be missed greatly. Tray Boy and Little Maddie used to feed, brush and pet Billy. Billy loved kids and was so gentle with them. He would let them ride on his back or lead him around his pen.
Unfortunately Billy Jack's good friend "Pony" died several months ago.
Goodbye Pony and Billy Jack. We miss you both already.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Spaghetti Night - January 29th

Spaghetti Night Cancelled Due to 13 inches of snow

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Record Snowfall for the Hood

For many of us...thirteen inches is the most snow we have seen since we moved to the "Hood".

Unfortunately, we don't get our private road plowed so it is still treacherous to drive. Yesterday we had three servicemen stuck ...the cable guy, the phone guy and the LP guy. (Too bad for Mikey who is low on fuel.)

Tony and I took our ATVs and all the dogs down to the lake were we met up with Dave Buchanan. Apparently he is still alive but enjoying his retirement and is seldom home.

All the kids want to hook up to our ATVs and go sledding and skiing. This is what people in the country do!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Where's Dave

Hey everyone....there was a Dave siting! Tony said that he was driving east on state road 42 ... he thinks he spotted Dave driving his truck west bound.
If you see Dave, please call the authorities immediately.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Spaghetti Night - January 22, 2009

We were supposed to have pork ribs but the cook burned the the special was chicken and noodles. Tony, Bernie and Becky were the only ones who showed up for spaghetti night.
No business was discussed, no decisions were made,,,we just ate and laughed and enjoyed ourselves.
(Tony had pineapple cream pie for dessert and Bernie had something called " blah blah cake and pudding". . . (can't remember the name.))

Saturday, January 17, 2009

"Where's Dave"

Ever hear of the book called "Where's Waldo".
Well we need to find Dave Buchanan.
No one has seen Dave since his retirement three weeks ago.
Dave - Where are you?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Spaghetti Night - January 15th Cancelled

Spaghetti Night Cancelled - Due to extreme cold weather

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Spaghetti Night - January 8, 2009

The weekly special was Meatloaf. Those in attendance was Mike, Nicky, Billy, Bernie, Tony and Becky.

The big news of the night was that the former "hood" kids are moving back home. Nicky, Billy and Andrew are moving back with their dad.

This is great! Welcome back. Looking forward to a fun and exciting 2009.

An impromptu meeting was held in Jim's garage on January 10th. Those in attendance was Nicky, Billy, Danny, Jim, Tony and Becky. Andrew showed up later after he got done building a house (from pop-sickle sticks).

Billy fixed Jim's fuel pump and changed the brakes on Nicky's car. Isn't he a good brother and nephew? Nicky had to go home as she said that she had to cook for the "boys". Isn't she a good girlfriend, sister and daughter? They are good kids!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Just a funny video-reminds me of my cat

Spaghetti Night - January 2, 2008

The only people who attended spaghetti night was Mike, Tony and Becky. One of the core members, Mr Bernie is in the hospital and won't be able to attend until at least next week.
The special was country fried steak, with mashed potatoes, peas and a salad. A generous helping of gravy was spread over everything. We call this meal "Heart attack on a plate".
Of course, everyone ordered the special. After you are done eating, you feel like you ate a rock.
A rock with gravy.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year Resolutions

2009 Resolutions

  1. To reduce the number of dogs in the neighborhood to under fifty.

  2. Spend more time on our ATVs than in our cars.

  3. Have all the men wear speedos and the women wear bikinis all summer long. (Just kidding---this is ridiculous!) But would still like to see Jim Flannagan in his 1940's bathing suit.