Saturday, January 31, 2009

Special Meeting

A special meeting was held in between Mike and Bernie's house. Attendance was as follows:

Jackie, Dave, Jess, Maddie, Becky, Tony, Al, Tracy, Tray and the LP guy.

The LP guy said that if we could get six families to switch to his service that he would beat any and all competitors. This sounds like a great idea, but knowing our neighborhood---no one will follow through.

Mike was very concerned that he was going to run out of fuel. He spent the majority of the day calling all the neighbors to check the level of fuel in his tank. We all gave him different readings ranging from 0% to 20%, 50% and 75%. We like to keep him confused. He asked that Al shovel Bernie's driveway and sidewalk so that he could spend the night there. The LP guy finally arrived and confirmed that Mike still had a 100 gallons and that would last him a long time.

Everyone neglected to inform poor Al who was still busy shoveling snow at Bernie's house...that Mike would not be crossing the street to get to Bernie's house.

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